Current Work Area

My area of research is designing of composites consisting of functional bulk and nanomaterials for applications like diagnosis of disease biomarkers, biosensors for food quality spoiling agents, sensing of water pollutants, chemosensing of explosive compounds, using optical and electroactive probes. These composites are also studied for their biomedical applications as anti-corrosive and anti-bacterial coatings on orthopaedic materials. The research area also includes designing of self-assembled layers and thin film depositions using sol-gel and electrochemical techniques for various applications


• PhD (Chemical Science), ‘Synthesis, characterization and application of gold nanoparticles in biosensors’, Panjab University, Chandigarh (2009-2013).
• M.Sc (Inorganic Chemistry), Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan (1998-2000)
• B.Sc (Chemistry), Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan (1995-1998)


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