Employee Profile
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R&D Interest
Significant recognition
Principal Scientist
Intelligent Machines and Communication Systems (IMCS)
Earth Science, Surface Processes, Tectonics-Climate Interactions. Natural Hazards.
Current Work Area
R&D Interest
Research Publications
1. PRANSHU BHARDWAJ, NAGAR Y. C., SINGH TEJPAL, M S SHEKHAR, GANJU A. Reconstruction of landscape change of Shyok valley, Ladakh during Late Quaternary using OSL technique. Quaternary International. 15-11-2024, 710, 1-17
2. SINGH TEJPAL, RAJENDRAN C. P.. Geological evidence of paleo-earthquakes on transverse rightlateral strike slip fault along the NW Himalayan front: Implications towards fault segmentation and strain Partitioning. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 01-10-2023, 255, 105730
3. JUNGRACK KIM, SHIH-YUAN LIN, SINGH TEJPAL, RAMESH P. SINGH. InSAR Time Series Analysis to Evaluate Subsidence Risk of Monumental Chandigarh City (India) and Surroundings. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 15-08-2023, 61, 4505715
4. KAUSHIK SAURABH, SINGH TEJPAL, BHARDWAJ ANSHUMAN, JOSHI PAWAN K. Long-term spatiotemporal variability in the surface velocity of Eastern Himalayan glaciers, India. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 09-11-2022, ,
5. KAUSHIK SAURABH, SINGH TEJPAL, JOSHI P K, DIETZ ANDREAS J. Automated mapping of glacial lakes using multisource remote sensing data and deep convolutional neural network. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 07-11-2022, 115,
6. FONSECA ANA, GLORIE STIJN, HE ZHIYUAN, SINGH TEJPAL, GRAVE JOHAN DE. Contrasting thermal histories for the Indian passive margins during syn- and post-Gondwana break-up: Insights from apatite fission-track thermochronology. Terra Nova. 07-09-2022, ,
7. KUMAR AJAY, SHAIKH MOHAMEDHAROON A., SINGH SARABJEET, SINGH TEJPAL, MUKHERJEE SOUMYAJIT, SINGH SEEMA. Active morphogenic faulting and paleostress analyses from the central Nahan Salient, NW Siwalik Himalaya. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 26-03-2022, 111, 1251–1267
8. KAUSHIK SAURABH, SINGH TEJPAL, BHARDWAJ ANSHUMAN, JOSHI PAWAN K, DIETZ ANDREAS J. Automated Delineation of Supraglacial Debris Cover Using Deep Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing. 10-03-2022, 14(6), 1352
9. SINGH SARABJEET, SINGH TEJPAL, SINGH SEEMA, AWASTHI A K. Morphometric Characterization and Tectonic Geomorphology of the Upper Beas basin, Himachal Himalaya, India. Himalayan Geology. 01-01-2022, 43(1B), 371-382
10. SINGH TEJPAL, RAJENDRAN C. P.. Dynamic terranes: Surface deformation, seismicity, and climate change. Quaternary International. 30-05-2021, 585, 1-2
11. GILL HITANDER SINGH, SINGH TEJPAL, SINGH SARBJEET, KIM JUNG-RACK, CAPUTO RICCARDO, KAUR GURMEET, SINGH SEEMA, KHOSLA ASHU. Active transfer faulting in the NW Sub-Himalaya (India) observed by space-borne topographic analyses. Quaternary International. 30-05-2021, 585, 15-26
12. SINGH RAKESH, PAUL AJAY, SHALINI, JOSHI PRADEEP, KUMAR SUSHIL, SINGH TEJPAL, TIWARI ANIL. Reverse migratory behaviour of the earthquakes aftershock sequences along Himalayan Seismic Belt, Northwest Himalaya. Quaternary International. 30-05-2021, 585, 163-170
13. NISHA RANI, SINGH TEJPAL, MANDLA VENKATA RAVIBABU. Mapping hydrothermal alteration zone through aster data in Gadag Schist Belt of Western Dharwar Craton of Karnataka, India. Environmental Earth Science. 21-11-2020, 79, 526
14. KAUSHIK SAURABH, RAFIQ MOHAMMD, JOSHI P K, SINGH TEJPAL. Examining the glacial lake dynamics in a warming climate and GLOF modelling in parts of Chandra basin, Himachal Pradesh, India. Science of The Total Environment. 20-04-2020, 714, 136455
15. KAUSHIK SAURABH, JOSHI P K, SINGH TEJPAL. Development of glacier mapping in Indian Himalaya: a review of approaches. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27-02-2019, 40(17), 6607-6634
16. KAUSHIK SAURABH, DHARPURE JAYDEO K, RAMANATHAN A L, SINGH TEJPAL. Climate change drives glacier retreat in Bhaga basin located in Himachal Pradesh, India. Geocarto International . 12-02-2019, ,
17. DOSSETO ANTHONY, MAY JAN-HENDRIK, CHOI JEONG-HEON, SWANDER ZACHARY J., FINK DAVID, KORUP OLIVER, SINGH TEJPAL, HESSE PAUL, MIFSUD CHARLES, SRIVASTAVA PRADEEP. Late quaternary fluvial incision and aggradation in the Lesser Himalaya, India. Quaternary Science Reviews. 01-10-2018, 197, 112-128
18. DAISY PAUL, MANDLA VENKATA RAVIBABU, SINGH TEJPAL. Quantifying and modeling of stream network using digital elevation models. Ain Shams Engineering Journal. 01-09-2017, 8(3), 311-321
19. NISHA RANI, MANDLA VENKATA RAVIBABU, SINGH TEJPAL. Evaluation of atmospheric corrections on hyperspectral data with special reference to mineral mapping. Geoscience Frontiers. 01-07-2017, 8(4), 797-808
20. NISHA RANI, MANDLA VENKATA RAVIBABU, SINGH TEJPAL. Spatial distribution of altered minerals in the Gadag Schist Belt (GSB) of Karnataka, Southern India using hyperspectral remote sensing data. Geocarto International . 01-01-2017, 32(3), 225-237
21. SINGH TEJPAL. Performance of image classification on hyperspectral imagery for lithological mapping. Journal of The Geological Society of India. 01-10-2016, 88(4), 440–448
Patent(s) Filed
Significant recognition: Awards, Honours and Fellowships
Other Information
Technology (Developed/Transfered/Commercialised) / Software Applications, Algorithms designed/developed/deployed and implemented
Project(s) Ongoing
1. Spatial and Temporal patterns of active tectonic deformation in the Beas River through Morphometric analysis and Fluvial Terrace studies
Project Number: GAP0363 Project Investigator: TEJPAL SINGH
Project(s) Completed
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